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24th Sep


One area where high-quality work is essential is in the world of nursing care. There’s no room for unqualified people to handle a job this important. That’s why training and compassion bring out the best in your provider. At Alohahab, we know ...

28th Aug


Empowering a senior means giving him the tools he needs to get the most out of life. Advancing age causes some issues that affect the self-esteem and outlook for people. Much of the distress is avoidable with assisted living. This type of care aims at ...

14th Aug


People who live long enough invariable experience a time when assistance with “normal activities” becomes necessary. This phenomenon has been present throughout history and in all cultures. In the past, the elderly would usually live with ...

17th Jul


These days, many senior citizens are making the decision to stay in their home for as long as possible. There are many reasons that this is a smart choice for any aging person who wants to retain their independence or isn’t quite ready to leave the ...

3rd Jul


The chances are good that you know who is considered to be a part of the Baby Boomer generation, the Gen Xers, and even Millennials. But one generation that you may not be familiar with the term Sandwich Generation. The Sandwich Generation is unique in ...

26th Jun


Making the decision to place a loved one in a nursing home isn’t one made easily. You have to take many factors and circumstances into account before making a commitment to a Hawaii-based extended care facility. According to recent reports from the ...

19th Jun


When you or someone you love is entirely or partially disabled, even the most basic tasks in life aren’t quite so simple.  Individuals who are ill-prepared to deal with the challenges that a physical disability presents.   In-Home Disability ...

12th Jun


As much of the Baby Boomer generation approaches retirement age, the demand for skilled in-home dementia care is expected to rise dramatically in Hawaii and throughout the United States in general. Many people of this era are choosing to stay in their ...

20th Jan


As the child of an aging parent, there may be times when you have second thoughts about your decision to place your mom or dad in an assisted living home. It is never an easy choice to make, but it is often a logical solution for families. For some, ...

14th Dec


When living on your own becomes difficult there are professional services available to help you every step of the way. Many seniors need special care that cannot be adequately provided by family members. Most families just don’t have the time or ...

cached at:2025-03-26 02:19:14pm