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14th Aug


Excellent Care Promotes Strong Health!

People who live long enough invariable experience a time when assistance with “normal activities” becomes necessary. This phenomenon has been present throughout history and in all cultures. In the past, the elderly would usually live with their extended family who would pitch in to help them. Nowadays, very few families function in this capacity.

Extra Security

It’s dangerous for a person with a diminished capacity to live alone. If they fall, it may be impossible for them to call out for help. They may be forgetful when it comes to taking medication, or they may have trouble with slips and falls. Assisted living is an answer to these everyday situations.

A Proper Diet

Good nutrition is essential for aging people. Unfortunately, many of them don’t have the time or inclination to prepare healthy meals. Assisted living ExcellentCare_08.14.16eliminates this deficiency.  Knowing your loved one gets the healthy food they need to live strong is very rewarding.

Courteous Companionship

Everybody needs somebody for conversation. Good companions help elevate moods. It’s the lack of contact with people that is damaging to seniors. Speaking to a senior like a friend puts them at ease. They are no different than anyone else and feel better when someone asks them about their day with genuine interest.

Effective Healthcare

It’s imperative that staff monitors the medical conditions of seniors. Many of them need to take pills on a schedule. Assisted living is a way to ensure that seniors are getting the proper level of medical care. Even when a family member can handle lots of chores and duties for the senior, they usually can’t deal with medical emergencies. Take the pressure off through assisted living.


Seniors need to use their bodies regularly. Staff sees to it that they get the workouts they need to combat the adverse effects of old age. Regular physical activity helps keep your loved one’s mood high and their body healthy. Our staff knows how to get even reluctant folks to participate.

Assisted living is a boon for an aging population. In the past, the burden of helping out a senior fell almost exclusively upon that person’s family. Now a significant portion of that work can be offloaded to caring staff members with extensive experience. There’s no skimping on service or neglecting duties for caregivers. They understand just how integral their job is to the well-being of their patients. If it’s time to look into health care services for your loved one in Hawaii, call the experts at Alohahab at 808-622-4200 today!

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