Community learning services is a new service that will focus on the activities and supports delivered only in the community and allows for data collection by where the service is delivered. CLS is intended to support the participant to:
- Acquire, retain or improve social valued roles
- Develop and maintain friendships
- Independently use community resources
- Develop adaptive and leisure skills and hobbies
- Exercise civil rights and self-advocacy skills required for active community participation
- Achieve his or her good life
CLS will be conducted in integrated settings, not in the home or Adult Day Health (ADH). CLS will also have two classifications pertaining to the service:
- CLS-Individual (CLS-Ind) will be used in place of Personal Assistance/Habilitation (PAB) that has been done in the community.
- CLS-Group (CLS-G) will be used in place of Adult Day Health (ADH) community-based outings and activities.
CLS-Ind will primarily be used for 1:1, which there are no tiers in CLS-Ind, will have additional rates for multiple staff with a participant, and additional rates for Registered Behavior Technician (RBT) with a participant.