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5th Feb


Hawaii Senior Assisted Living & Diabetes Management for Older Adults

Managing diabetes can be a tough job, no matter what your age, but it presents an even bigger challenge when dealing with elderly adults. It is important diabetes be managed on a comprehensive basis where all areas of management are addressed.


Proper Management of Diabetes:


  • Exercise
  • Controlled Use of Medication
  • Properly Planned Diet
  • Control of Blood Glucose Levels

Staying Active


It is important diabetics stay on a regular exercise plan. The plan should not be overly strenuous and should require exercise at regular intervals, several times a week. Most of the exercise routine should concentrate on activities that are low impact such as exercise in a swimming pool, on a stationary bike or even walking.


These types of activities will provide the health benefits of exercise without having a negative impact on joints, feet and ankles, which can be sensitive areas for elderly folks. If you have a parent or loved one in a Hawaii senior assisted living facility, then you will want to review their exercise program and perhaps speak with the staff about it.


Medication Basics


If you or your loved has Type 1 Diabetes, it is important to have access to your insulin injections. At a Honolulu senior assisted living facility, you will want to make sure all of the staff know about the condition and have access to the injections. Staff members come and go; there are different shifts, so ensuring all staff are aware can be crucial. Of course, a professionally run Hawaii senior assisted living facility should have a process for managing this to ensure patient safety.


Sometimes a medical alert bracelet is the best way to alert those caring for you or a loved one. It is a simple, cost effective item, that will be with you or your loved one at all times and let the staff members know immediately what needs to be done.




Diabetes does not have a cure so continuous and proper management is vital. Diet is a large part of management as being overweight can cause additional complications. The core of managing a diet for a diabetes patient is ensuring they eat meals per day at regular intervals. Additionally, having something sweet with you at all times in important. Soda, your favorite fruit juice, toffee or the like should always be accessible.


Blood Glucose Levels


Closely monitoring blood glucose levels is helpful in letting you know how your body is reacting to recent activities. A monitor, testing strip and lance will allow you to test and then adjust your diet or activities properly. It is always better to closely monitor the condition before things get out of control.

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