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18th Sep


Guide to Preventing Dementia Related Falls

According to a report published by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), falls are among the most common causes of injury-related deaths in older adults. In particular, seniors with dementia face heightened risks of falls due to the decline in sensory perception and impaired judgement.  It is for this reason that a safe environment and choosing quality facilities are among the primary considerations when selecting a Hawaii dementia care provider.

However, by following specific guidelines and with adequate precautionary measures in place, family members and Hawaii dementia care providers can significantly reduce the risks of falls for patients with dementia. Here are some tips that may help you:

Provide Adequate Lighting

Dementia significantly affects the visual systems and often creates misperceptions and illusions. It is therefore very important to take into account the quality of lighting in Honolulu dementia care facilities when choosing one. People suffering from dementia often misinterpret what they see, so a well lighted environment is vital in eliminating shadows and dark areas.

Provide Visual Guides

Patients with dementia often find it difficult to separate colors and recognize certain objects along with differentiating the background. This is why a Hawaii dementia care unit often paints the top and bottom sections of staircases in contrasting colors to provide a visual aid.

Clear Pathways

Another challenge for people with dementia is the difficulty in recognizing dangers. Electrical cords, loose rugs and tripping hazards should be removed. Honolulu dementia care facilities should be kept clear of obstacles at all times to prevent falls.

Provide a Common Place for Reminders and Information

Organization is key to caring for patients with dementia. Provide a central place to put reminders and important notes that the patient can easily access. Ideally, a cord board or a dry erase board presents a practical option. By designating a single place, it simplifies the process for them.

Take into Account Unmet Needs

As the condition progresses, dementia patients tend to wander, which may lead them to unsafe areas. With assisted living in Hawaii dementia care facilities, such risks can be mitigated.

Wandering often indicates unmet needs that the person is trying to satisfy. Honolulu dementia care providers are trained not to physically restrict these episodes of wandering but instead provide a distraction to avoid increasing the patient’s frustration and anxiety level.

Reduce Noise

Family homes with kids around are not typically the best environment for people with dementia as they have increased sensitivity to noise. When noise becomes unbearable, anxiety levels tend to escalate, which often triggers panic attacks. Honolulu dementia care facilities are designed to provide a quiet, peaceful environment for dementia patients.

Tips on Communicating with Dementia Patients

Whether you choose to house your loved one in a Hawaii dementia care facility or at a safe home environment, it can be challenging and painful to watch the gradual deterioration of a person with dementia.


As the condition progresses, a simple case of forgetfulness can eventually lead to severe impairment making it necessary to seek professional assistance of a  Hawaii dementia care provider. Family members are often concerned of the “empty shell” their loved ones have turned into. However, there are certain steps that can be followed to help you effectively communicate, “open the shell” and interact meaningfully with your loved ones during limited visits at the Hawaii dementia care facility.
Here are some tips to help you deal with the challenges:

Acknowledge What You’re Up Against


Dementia is a condition that worsens over time. People with dementia will eventually find it increasingly difficult to understand and communicate with others. Providing a controlled environment in a Honolulu dementia care facility to provide a secure and safe, assisted haven for your loved one is vital to managing the long term issues.


Avoid Distractions


When visiting your loved one in a Hawaii dementia care facility, find a quiet place to talk, without any distractions present. This will help a dementia patient to focus his/her mental energy on the conversation.


Speak In A Clear, Warm Voice


Avoid “babytalking” someone with dementia or displaying any kind of condescension. Address the person by his/her name. Casually mention your name instead of merely saying “It’s me.” Names are very important when greeting to help a person with dementia recognize you.


Only Talk About One Thing at a Time

Dementia patients will not be able to handle complex conversations so do not expect them to participate in conversations that include mental juggling.  Tackle one topic at a time and do not engage in conversations with multiple threads. Ideally, you should consider using verbal cues and maintain eye contact, a warm voice and smile all throughout.


 Actively Listen

Put all your focus on the conversation at hand. If in case you do not understand something, politely let them know. Avoid correcting any inaccurate statement that you loved one may make.


Be Extra Patient

Patience is very important when communicating with a person with dementia. Allow them ample time to process what you are saying. Even if you ask a perfectly simple question, give him/her a moment to come up with a response. Avoid showing any form of frustration.


When visiting your loved one in a Hawaii dementia care facility, keep in mind that there are good days and bad days. If you are unable to connect meaningfully, try again on your next visit.





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