Training & Consultation services assist unpaid caregivers, paid service supervisors and/or paid support staff in implementing the goals and outcomes developed from the person-centered planning process and included in the Individualized Service Plan (ISP). Unpaid caregivers are defined as any person, family member, neighbor, friend, and co-worker who provide care, training, guidance, or support to a waiver participant without financial gain or payment.
The goals and outcomes are necessary to improve the participant’s independence and inclusion in their community. Consultation activities are provided by professionals in psychology, nutrition, occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech and language pathology, and behavior analysis.
The service may include evaluation and assessment; the development of recommendations for person-centered goals and outcomes; initial and/or ongoing training and/or technical assistance to implement the goals and outcomes; and monitoring of the participant, caregivers and providers in the implementation of the goals and monitoring the implementation and outcomes.
Training includes instruction about treatment regimens and other services included in the ISP and/or Action Plan, use of equipment specified in the service plan, and included updates as necessary to safely maintain the participant at home or in the community. All training must be identified and included in the ISP and/or Action Plan.
When a participant has a BSP developed through another source (e.g., Department of Education, QUEST Integration, and private insurance), T&C may be authorized to develop a BSP to address behaviors that occur in settings where DOH- DDD services are provided. The author of the BSP must ensure consistency amongst and across the services the participant receives by consulting with the authors of the other BSPs and their treatment teams and utilizing similar interventions in settings where DOH-DDD services are provided, where appropriate. This T&C must include training in implementing the BSP strategies and approaches during waiver service hours, as well as providing periodic monitoring of the BSP to ensure consistency.
Training and consultation is not intended to provide direct services beyond the time required for the face-to-face evaluation and assessment, and if applicable, providing training, observing/monitoring the implementation of the goals and revising/updating outcomes as appropriate. T&C also includes attendance at ISP meetings if applicable and documentation/report writing.